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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

3 Home Selling Mistakes to Avoid

If you plan on selling your home this season, there are three major mistakes that you need to avoid.

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When you sell your home, there are a number of ways to succeed and just as many ways to fail. These three specific errors reign supreme, so make sure you avoid them:

1. Asking for too much. You never want to sell your house for less than what it’s worth, but setting the sticker price too high could cause your home to stay on the market for too long. Homes that languish on the market become stale, and buyers start to assume that there must be something wrong with the property. Other buyers might think that you are desperate to sell your home, so you become a target for lowball offers.

Engage a real estate expert like myself to determine what your home is worth in today’s market. The goal is to price your home correctly from the start so that you get a good response from the buyers in the market.

2. Marketing too little. Your house isn’t going to sell itself. Even in a hot market like this, you need to do more than put some pictures on the MLS and cross your fingers. If you are selling a house this season, then everyone should know about it. Use social networking and online ads on sites like Craigslist to get the word out. If you want to go crazy, you could get a billboard along the interstate for your home. Any attention is good attention, and you need a lot of it to nab a buyer.
Your house isn’t going to sell itself.

3. Not making the home presentable. If you want to find a buyer for your real estate investment, then your property needs to look presentable. Vacuum the carpets, paint the walls, and do everything you can to keep the house as clean and attractive as possible. Buyers expect your home to be spotless, and even a little bit of clutter can cost you in the long run.

Even though inventory is low in many markets, there is still competition out there. Your home needs to shine above the others. Avoid these three mistakes and you will be on the path to success.

If you have any other questions about selling your home this season, give me a call or send me an email. My team and I would be happy to help you!